Say hello to
The Crew
Owner, Operator
Landscape architect gone organic farmer, Lisa is a visionary through and through. Inspired by a childhood love of “Little House on the Prairie,” she dreamed up Cold Frame Farm and talked her husband into building it into a reality. You will almost always find her somewhere on the farm tending to crops, talking to visitors, or taking care of her animals.
farm Manager
Lauren came to the farm with one goal: to learn. She has a background in health sciences and is passionate about growing organic produce that is good for the environment and for you. Lauren is currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in accounting with the hopes of becoming a CPA. When she’s not at work or school, you can find her hanging out in her garden with her dogs, Sadie and Stewart, right behind her.
FARM crew
After over twenty-five years working in the creative design industry, Nathan was looking for a change outside of the corporate world. As a frequent customer of the farm, Nathan became interested in organic agriculture and wanted to learn more about growing healthy food. Outside of the farm, Nathan spends time with his wife, two daughters and their many cats, birds, and chickens. He also enjoys golfing, cooking and baking.
The companion
Lisa’s loyal shadow, Levi was an energetic Wirehaired Fox Terrier and the unofficial farm mascot. Sadly, Levi passed away this year. His presence is greatly missed, but he will always be remembered as our farm companion.
The Diva
This girl knows she's beautiful and isn’t afraid to strut her stuff. When the farm store is open, you can usually find her snoozing in a basket on the counter, awaiting head scratches from her many admirers.
The #girlboss
She’s the boss of the kitty crew. In cold winter months, she’s not afraid to push and shove her way to the best spot in front of the heater. But don’t let her sass fool you—she’s a lover at heart.
The sweetheart
The quietest of the bunch, she happily chases barn mice and naps in the hoop houses. Every now and then, she graces us with her presence and purrs a hello.