Community-supported agriculture, or CSA, is a crop sharing system that connects farmers directly to consumers. Our CSA provides members with a weekly share of the fresh, organic produce we harvest all summer long.
How it works
Registration typically starts early January and ends late February. If a slot is available, you will receive an email confirmation of your acceptance along with a membership agreement form. Then, simply send us your completed membership agreement form and payment to seal the deal.
We will determine the date of the first pickup based on our crops, and notify members by email. Watch your inbox for an update. Usually, the start date will fall in the middle of June. Then, the CSA will run for 20 weeks. Each week, you collect your share of produce from the farm store on Friday or Saturday between 10am and 3pm
What is in a CSA share each week?
Variety and quantities will vary each week based on what is in season, but no matter what, you’ll receive a collection of fresh produce and organic goodies.
A full share will consist of 8 to 10 items the first four weeks, increasing to 8 to 16 items as the season progresses. We estimate this should feed a family of 4 omnivores or 2 vegetarians.
Alternatively, a half share will include 4 to 5 items in the first four weeks, before increasing to 4 to 8 items. We estimate this should feed 2 omnivores or 2 vegetarians.
How long does the CSA last?
20 weeks, from June to October.
How can I get a share?
Send us a message telling us you would like to join the waitlist! There is a limited number of shares available each season. Current CSA members have an option to renew next season and are given priority. All the remaining available shares go to our waitlist on a first-come, first-served basis. Upon acceptance, new members will submit payment and fill out a brief membership form. Unfortunately, a spot on the waitlist does not guarantee a spot in the CSA, but we try our best to accommodate as many members as possible.
How do I know if CSA is a good fit for me?
CSA is not for everyone, and that’s okay! To make the most of your share, you must be willing to plan your meals around what is available and in season. We grow a wide variety of produce, and you’ll often find yourself with items that aren’t part of your regular cooking regimen. If you love to prepare plant-based meals and experiment with new ingredients, our CSA will be right up your alley.
How Much does it cost?
For the full 20-week season, a half share is $400 and a full share is $785. Prices are subject to change from year to year.
Join the CSA waitlist
Our CSA shares are sold out for the 2025 season. If you would like to join the waitlist for next year, please fill out the form below. In the meantime, come on by and shop on the weekends! Most of the produce items in the CSA shares will also be available a la carte in the farm store.